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Jaroslav Varga
Scene of Crime

Projekt czerpie inspirację z problemów przedmieść tak Europy Środkowej, jak i całego zachodniego świata. Każdego dnia zdarza się tam wiele kryminalnych wypadków, a nasze środowisko życia staje się sceną zbrodni. Na projekt składają się dwa pokazy wideo. Jeden z nich to ujęcie z Fox News pobrane z internetu, który ukazuje przestępców w palącym się Paryżu, co reprezentuje w pewnym sensie 'wielki świat'. Drugie wideo zostało wykonane w Bratysławie w mojej okolicy (mały świat) w oparciu o pierwsze i staje się ono do niego tak podobne jak to tylko możliwe. Dobrze znane mi miejsca stają się potencjalną sceną zbrodni, tracąc aurę swojskiego bezpieczeństwa.

This project takes an inspiration from the suburb problems in Central Europe as well as in whole western world. Every day there are happening many criminal accidents at this places and our living environment becomes into scene of crime. The project consist from two videos. One video is a shot from Fox News downloaded from the Internet and it represents the criminals in burning Paris and it represents kind of "big world". Second video is made in Bratislava around my home (small world), it is made according to first video and it becomes as similar as possible to the first video. My well-known places got the potentiality to be the scene of crime, it has lost its home safety.

Jaroslav Varga

born on 10th August 1982, Trebisov


from 2005: Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Intermedia, Studio „IN” (Ilona Németh)

2000-2005: The University of Presov, Departament of Arts, specialization- painting (Prokip Kolisnyk), master degree

1995-2000: Secondary Grammar School in Trebisov, specialization- programming


2006-2007: Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Departament of New Media, Poland

2006: National museum in Wrocław (program Leonardo da Vinci), Poland

awards and appreciations:

2006: Award of Studio „IN”, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava

2005: Appreciation for representation of university, The University of Presov

2004: Main Award, Fashion Today, Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco, Florence

2003: Award for the best movie concerning international relations for the movie „close”, International Film Festival of Uncommercial Film and Video, Berlin

2003: Bronze medal for movie „Close”, International Film Festival of Uncommercial Film UNICA (UNION INTERNATIONALE DU CINÉMA), Warsaw

2002: Bronze medal for movie „Fairy Tale”, International Film Festival of Uncommercial Film UNICA, Luxembourgh


2006: Dangerous sequences, Gallery HIT, Bratislava

2006: Scene of Crime, academy of fine Arts and Design, Bratislava

2006: touristic route, street art project, Nitra

2005: WATER, Municipal Museum in Poprad, Municipal museum in Trebisov, Museum of Fine Arts in Presov

2004: Flying, Municipal gallery in Velky Saris

2003: Music and painting, University Libary, Presov

2002: Reinstallation of Mark Rothko, street art project, Presov

2001: 50th Anniversary of Department of Arts – The University of Presov, Museum of Andy Warhol, Medzilaborce