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Bret Battey
Autarkeia Aggregatum
UK 2005

Autarkeia Aggregatum jest łączącą dźwięk i obraz kompozycją, podkreślającą ciągły przepływ i transformację. Od strony wizualnej w pracy nie ma cięć ani sklejek, zamiast tego rozwija się ona jako nieustannie ewoluująca animacja złożona z ponad 11000 odrębnych punktów. Poszukując dla niej tytułu, zwróciłem się ku Monadologii, teorii Leibniza o podstawowych cząstkach rzeczywistości (monadach). Przejąłem z tej pracy dwa słowa: autarkeia (gr.) - samowystarczalność i aggregatum (łac.) - połączenie. Razem, terminy te prawidłowo odzwierciedlają połączenie aktywności autonomicznych bytów. Na bardziej subtelnym poziomie, kojarzą mi się one z klasycyzmem, z wewnętrzną pełnią, wyrażoną na zewnątrz z elegancką powściągliwością.

Autarkeia Aggregatum is an integrated sound and image composition emphasizing continuous flow and transformation. There are no cuts or splices in the visual aspect of the work; it unfolds instead as a constantly evolving, massed animation of a set of over 11,000 individual points. When seeking a title for the piece, I turned to the Monadology - the philosopher Leibniz's theory of fundamental particles of reality (monads). I appropriated the two words from thet work: autarkeia (Greek) for self - sufficiency, and aggregatum (Latin) meaning joined, aggregated. The terms together appropriately suggest an aggregation of the activities of autonomous entities. More subtly, a resonance with Classicism draws me to the words. The resonance is one of an inner fullness of being expressed outwardly in elegant, self-sufficient restraint.

Bret Battey

Bret Battey (b. 1967) creates electronic, acoustic, and multimedia concert works and installations, synthesizing diverse experience in music composition, computer science, graphic and web design, and electronics. A major focus in his work has been the crafting of integrated sound and image compositions. He pursues research in areas related to algorithmic music, digital signal processing, image and sound relationship, Indian classical music, and expressive synthesis — laced with a overarching fascination with feedback processes and emergent behavior. He often relates these realms aesthetically to concerns with consciousness, human destiny, and the search for meaning, seeing his artistic work as a way of evoking experiential analogs to distinctive ways, philosophically, of being in the world.

Battey completed his masters and doctoral studies in Music Composition at the University of Washington and his Bachelors of Music in Electronic and Computer Music at Oberlin Conservatory. He also served as a Research Associate for the University of Washington's pioneering Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media. He is a Senior Lecturer with the Music, Technology, and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.

Details of his work, publications, and recognitions can be found at