![]() Neil Boynton + Emma Rose Threshold UK 2006 06:40 screening pl Threshold przedstawia miasto zbudowane ze słów wiersza Ruth Fainlight, poetki nominowanej do Whitbread Prize. Wiersz opowiada o ludziach, którzy wyskoczyli z okien Twin Towers 9 września 2001 oraz z Asch Building w czasie pożaru Triangle Shirtwaist Company w 1911. Ścieżka dźwiękowa złożona jest z głosów ludzi różnego pochodzenia, i w różnym wieku, czytających wiersz Fainlight. Nawarstwione głosy są przeciwstawione dźwiękom życia codziennego, nagranym na starym mieście w Bazylei i w winnicach nieopodal Arezzo. Służą one ukazaniu szerszego wymiaru miasta i jego mieszkańców, tak jak miasto stworzone ze słów Fainlight reprezentuje idee miasta w ogóle. W warstwie wizualnej, widz doświadcza słów jako statycznych i ruchomych elementów, symbolizujących budynki miasta i jego mieszkańców. Słowa uosabiają dusze tych, którzy wyskoczyli z budynków, unosząc się w niebo, uwieczniając przekonanie o tym, że nasze myśli i idee są bardziej istotne, niż jakakolwiek sfera fizyczności. Threshold został stworzony z perspektywy obywatela świata i jest adresowany do wszystkich, którzy dzielą poczucie istnienia globalnej wspólnoty, poczucie, że ich życie i przyszłość są współzależne, a oni sami odpowiadają za swoje życie w globalnym środowisku. en Threshold presents a city made out of words: the words of a poem by Ruth Fainlight, former Whitbread Prize nominee, about the people who jumped from Twin Towers on 9/11 and from the Asch Building in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in 1911. The soundtrack is made up of voices of different origins and ages reading Fainlight's poem layered together against the sounds of everybody life. Sounds were recorded in the old town of Basel and in vineyards near Arezzo, and serve to portray a wider sense of a city and its people, as the city fabricated from Fainlight's words represents the idea of city in general. Visually, the viewer experiences words as static and moving elements representing the architectural building blocks of a city and its inhabitants. The words embody the souls of those who jumped, rising up into the sky perpetuating the notion that our thoughts and ideas are more significant than any physical object. Threshold was created from the perspective of world citizen, and addresses all those people who share a sense o global community, a sense that their lives and futures are interdependent and that they are stakeholders in a global environment. | Neil Boynton & Emma Rose
Neil Boynton and Emma Rose have worked together since 2004. Neil Boynton trained as a composer; Emma Rose as an artist. Their first collaborative work skyWriting was shown at the transmediale.05 in Berlin and was also part of solo exhibitions in Newcastle and Birmingham (UK). Boynton & Rose completed a new work threshold with the poet Ruth Fainlight in 2006 and have upcoming screenings and exhibitions in California and Italy ( from page http://www.boynton-rose.com/)
education + employment
Emma Rose is a Senior Lecturer in Art: The Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts
1986-87 MA, Chelsea School of Art, London 1981-84 BA (Hons) Fine Art, First Class, Leeds Metropolitan University 1980-81 St. Albans College of Art and Design Foundation Course current
roles teaching
solo exhibitions
2006 rush, Surface Gallery, Nottingham, UK. Cinematic video installation made in collaboration with the sound artist Neil Boynton, Boynton & Rose, 6' 40”, 6 th to 17 th March 2005 White-out, Hotbath Gallery, Bath, UK. Exhibition of paintings and drawings, 2 nd February to 23 rd February, Catalogue see below 2005 White-out, mac (Midland Arts Centre) The Foyle Gallery, Birmingham, UK. Paintings and drawings and skyWriting, cinematic video installation, Boynton & Rose, 13' 46”, 12 th March to 1 st May, Catalogue
see below
2005 White-out, AdHoc Gallery Buddle Arts Centre, Wallsend, North Tyneside, UK. Paintings and drawings and skyWriting, cinematic video installation, Boynton & Rose, 13' 46”, 19 th September to 29 th October, Catalogue see below 2001 Emma Rose, Axis Gallery, Leeds, UK. 8 paintings, 1 st June to 1 st July 1999 Paintings by Emma Rose, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham. UK. 8 paintings 60 x 66”, 12 June to 24 th July, Catalogue, see below 1991 Huddersfield City Art Gallery, UK. 12 paintings and 6 prints, 3 rd May to 20 th June 1990 Cookridge Street Gallery, Leeds UK. 10 paintings, 4 prints, 9 th October to 17 th December
group exhibitions
2006 Beyond the Senses, The Bargehouse, Oxo Tower, London, UK, rush, cinematic video installation, Boynton & Rose, 6' 40”, 16 th March – 1 st April, 2005 The Society of Scottish Artists. Exhibited skyWriting, Boynton & Rose, video installation, 13'46” from open international competition (video only). The Scottish National Gallery, Royal Scottish Academy Gallery, Edinburgh , 22nd January to 17 February 2004 PINK. Exhibition of skyWriting: Boynton & Rose, video installation, 13'46”. 7 selected artists. The Gallery, Heriot Watt University, Scottish Borders Campus, Galashiels, 1st to 29th September
festival presentations and screenings
2006 Korea Experimental Arts Festival, the best experimental films of Seoul Net Festival 2005, skyWriting screened twice in open-air theatre during the festival period video installation, Boynton & Rose, 13'46”, 2 nd to 6 th August 2006 700IS Egilsstaðir, Reindeerland, international experimental video festival, Iceland , Cinematic video installation, shortlisted for the Alcoa Prize, rush, Boynton & Rose, 6' 40”, 31 st – 3 rd April 2005 ‘BASICS', transmediale.05, international media art festival, Berlin . Germany . Video installation and lecture on the work and its aesthetics, skyWriting : Boynton & Rose, 13'46”. 4th to 8th February. 2005 The Big Screen. Exhibition of skyWriting : Boynton & Rose, video installation, 13'46”, Exchange Square, Manchester, UK. The Bigger Picture is co-ordinated by the Cornerhouse Gallery in association with the BBC and Manchester City Council. 23rd October to 5 November and 5th to 11 May (five screenings daily) 2005 Seoul Net Festival. Exhibition of skyWriting : Boynton & Rose, video installation, 13'46”. Selected from worldwide submission. 54 finalists out of 176 entries, from 27 countries selected 90 films and webworks by artists from 16 countries. 1st May to 30th June 2004 ‘Du studio à la scène. Présentations des assistants et des compositeurs invités à l'Ircam', Résonances 2004, Ircam, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR. Screening of skyWriting, Boynton & Rose, 13'46”, and conference presentation on the work and its aesthetics. Paris, 15th October 2004 Candid Projection Room . Screening of skywriting, Boynton & Rose, 13'46”. Candid Arts Trust, London, 23rd November 2004 NWUA conference. Screening of skywriting, Boynton & Rose, 13'46”, the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, 2nd November
2005 Neil Boyton and Emma Rose, White- out including sky Writing ( Lancaster, 2005 ), pp.16 2004 Catalogue, The Society of Scottish Artists, pp66. The Royal Scottish National Gallery , Edinburgh, Scotland 2006 Catalogue, Inspiration to Order, pp46. California State University, Stanislaus. USA |