Telcosystems Scape_Time The Netherlands 2006 08:21 screening pl Scape_Time jest kompozycją audiowizualną, dotyczącą zwielokrotnienia i zlewania się różnych perspektyw. Jest to druga z serii prac koncentrujących się na nowych formach w przestrzeni dźwięku i obrazu. Wszystkie dźwięki i obrazy wykorzystane w Scape_Time powstają w ścisłej wzajemnej relacji, generowane i komponowane w "czasie rzeczywistym" za pomocą samodzielnie napisanego programu. Ścieżka dźwiękowa w systemie 5.1 Dolby Digital. en Scape_Time is an audio-visual composition dealing with the multiplication and blending of different perspectives. It is the second in a series of works that focuses on new forms of spatiality in image and sound. All sounds and images used in Scape_Time are developed in close relation to each other, and generated and composed in "real time" with self-written software. The soundtrack is 5.1 Dolby Digital. | Telcosystems
Gideon Kiers, David Kiers and Lucas van der Velden are the founding members of Telcosystems. Lucas van der Velden (1976, Eindhoven) lives and works in Rotterdam. Gideon Kiers (1975, Amsterdam) ) lives and works in Rotterdam and Reykjavik. Both studied at the Interfaculty Image and Sound, a department at the Royal Conservatory and the Royal Academy in the Hague. David Kiers (1977, Amsterdam) studied Sonology at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague. He works and lives in The Netherlands, Germany and Iceland.
Telcosystems researches the relation between the behavior of programmed numerical logic and the perception of a conversion of this behavior into the physical world, seeking for its own narrative in the world of abstract spatial image and sound. The hallmark of their work is its lucid and restrained aestheticism, which is closely related to the technology they use.
They produce films, video clips, live performances, installations, software, soundtracks and prints. Their work has been shown at film – and new media festivals such as Ars Electronica (Linz), IFFR (Rotterdam), MOV Festival (Tokyo), EMAF (Osnabrück), Sonar (Barcelona), Shortfilm Festival Oberhausen, Airwaves (Reykjavik), Short Film Festival Hamburg, Ctrl-Alt-Del (Maastricht), Abstraction Now (Vienna), De Appel (Amsterdam), The New York Digital Salon, Mu (Eindhoven), Boijmans van Beuningen (Rotterdam) and Künstlerhaus (Vienna). |