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Aki Nakazawa
Negai wo hiku

W rzeczywistości wielkich infrastruktur współczesności, Internetu, światowego handlu i innych atrybutów globalizacji, łatwości kontaktu z ojczyzną z każdego zakątka świata, w jaki sposób dostrzec wpływ nowych okoliczności na własną tożsamość. Łatwo zamknąć się na nowy otaczający świat, tkwiąc w nostalgii za opuszczonym domem. Tylko niebo, którego nie widziałam wcześniej, pozwoliło mi uświadomić sobie, że opuściłam swoją przeszłość. Smugi zostawiane przez samoloty malują linię dzielącą mnie od przeszłości i tworzą pragnienie nowego.

In today's globalized world with big infrastructure such as Internet, world-trade and so on, to have easy-access to our homeland, how we can recognize the exchange between circumstances and our identities. It could be easy to depend on you nostalgic home and not to go out to new world. Only the sky that I have never seen before makes me realize that I'm already out of my past. Trails draw borderlines to leave the story behind, and to find the new with wishes.

Aki Nakazawa

Aki Nakazawa ( born in Tokyo, Japan, 1976) is a video artist and a curator for short – film and media – art at the College of Art, Nihon University in Tokyo, she’s been on activities of making her own video works, curating screenings and teaching in art institutions. Since 1997, she has been a member of the group “Spread Video – art Project” in Tokyo, which curates mainly independent artists’ works including video –art, documentary, experimental, animation, various kinds of film and video. (

Her artistic intention refers to “the sensuality of image” and “appearance of image with words”, stands on the border between fiction and non – fiction, and works in various kinds of genre such as video – art, documentary, animation and others.


0.04” ( 1996 ), “hibi no awa/ Froth on the daydream” ( 1998 ), “mizu wo omou/ image of water” ( 1999 ), “aomori banka” ( 2000 ), “Hisoyakana jikan/ secret time” ( 2004 ), “sui sha shi/ water-graphed portrait” ( 2005 ), “Negai wo hiku/ Drawing wishes” ( 2006 ).

Exhibitions & Screenings (selected):

1996 [The Media art exhibit of students’ works Vol.2]

The College of Art , Nihon University/ Tokyo

1998 Video de Restaurante ] Myth Cafe Shibuya/ Tokyo

1998 – 2006 [Video Art Bureikounisuru] 28’s Ginza Shinbashi/ Tokyo

2000 [Video Café “Zeit und Raum”] book cellar amus/ Osaka

2001 Selected works of Aki Nakazawa – [Personal Vision 2001] / Kobe Art – village Center/ Kobe

2001 [Enshu Yokosuka – kaido Cultural Exhibition]/ Shizuoka

2002 [NIPPON CONNECTION 2002]/ Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2002 [two kinds of views – Yu Negoro & Aki Nakazawa-] / Kino Kueche Kunitachi/ Tokyo

2002 [Super Avant – garte Vol.2 – The view point from each identities - ] / Theater Kino/ Sapporo

2003 [Aqua planet viedeo festival ( mentioning award )/ Seian art university/ Shiga

2004 [Videoart Channel/ What is videoart?] / Gallery Spica/ Tokyo

2004 –2005 [Summer Screening]/ Kino Kuche Kunitachi/ Tokyo

2005 [Tokyo Eizo Brig.] / Tollywood Simokitazawa/ Tokyo

2006 [Cosmology of vision]/ Atelier2001/ Kobe

2006 [Loop Pool]/ the lounge of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen/ Germany

2006 [Loop Pool]/ the lounge of Internationales Kurzfil Festival Hamburg/ Germany

2006 [Globalscreen]/

2006 [countryclub Internationaler Videokunst. Wettbewrb]/ Mönchengladbach/ Germany

2006 [backup festival. Neue medien im film (The second prize awarded)]/ Weimar/ Germany

2007 [20. Stuttgarter Filmwinter (Honorary Mentioned prize & Wand5 – Frontal – Ehrenpreis awarded)]/ Stuttgart/ Germany

2007 [berlinare talent Campus#5 – Home Affair - ]/ Berlin/ Germany

2007 [berlinale 37th International Forum of New Cinema “ Forum expanded”] / Germany

2007 [Videonale 11]/ Bonn/ Germany

2007 [screen spirit_continued“ ( solo exhibition at staedtische galerie im buntentor)]/ Bremen/ Germany