Eddie D.
Mi Cocina (Director's Cut)
The Netherlands 2006
Najlepszy materiał na dzieło sztuki - czy to powieści, symfonii, rzeźby, czy filmu - można często znaleźć w zwykłej codzienności. To w końcu tam można odnaleźć rzeczy związane bezpośrednio z ludzką naturą, jako że codziennie przejawiają się w naszych zwyczajach i schematach. Prowadzą własne życie, które nieświadomie przestaliśmy zauważać. Akcesoria gospodarstwa domowego, które eddie d wprowadził w poprzednim wideo, odgrywają również rolę w Mi Cocina. Poprzez ich żywe kolory i wyrazistą formę, przemawiają językiem piktogramów czy edukacyjnej ilustracji - zwłaszcza w tym wideo, ponieważ tym razem są to zabawkowe kuchenne przybory. Plastikowe patelnie, talerze i chochle trzęsą się i grzechoczą, hałasując jak ich dorosłe odpowiedniki, jednocześnie będąc sterowanymi przez niewidzialną siłę, która wprowadza je w ruch i pozwala grać razem w niezwykłych rytmach i układach.
The best material for a work of art - be it a novel, a symphony, a sculpture or a film- is often simply to be found in everyday reality. After all, this is where the things that are directly connected with our human nature can be found, because day in day out they comply with our habits and patterns. They lead a life that, without being aware of it, we have stopped noticing. The household requisites that eddie d already brought to life in previous video works, also play a role in Mi Cocina. With their bright colours and clean-cut designs, they speak the language of pictographs or educational illustrations- even more so in this video because here they are toy kitchen utensils. The plastic pans, plates and ladles are shaking and rattling about, making the sounds of their adult equivalents while being controlled by an invisible force that sets them in motion and lets them play together in unique rhythms and structures.
| Eddie D.
1991 AKI Enschede, Media Art Department, Holland. His work
consists of photos, videotapes and video/computer
installations. Themes are the forms of language, rhythm and the
relation between image and sound. In the videotapes this resulted
in musical compositions in which he uses his almost perfect editing
technique to build rhythmical structures with repetition as a
striking element. Music is a basic influence; as a formal starting
point as well as a source of structures and patterns. His work is
internationally considered the standard in this genre of video art.
In his installations eddie d explores single sounds, movements
and gestures and 'the idea of image as a representation of the real
object' (he likes photos of everyday objects and is always in search
of the ultimate boring image). The works usually need a visitors
participation; he/she has to push a button or step on a mat to see
and experience a work completely. Sometimes a work only unfolds
itself when it detects a presence at a certain location. eddie
d's choice of images often evolves around every day live. He zooms in
on his subjects to isolate them from their surroundings.
made a series of 10 video poems; short, single channel, video works
in which spoken word and sound are transformed into compositions of
language and rhythm. Repetitive gestures and facial expressions are
the elements on which these works are build. The English or German
subtitles for the, mostly Dutch spoken, poems add an interesting
extra layer; the translation reads as a totally new work , altering
meanings and words. He used material taken from television shows as
basis for these works. Working with language has evolved into the
de-construction of words and sounds. This transforms into compositing
sounds from single letters, that would be almost unpronounceable. An
example is "Sonatina",
a work of which the structure is inspired by the sonatas of Kurt
The large installation, “Orquesta
Revoltillio”, a “multi channel, spatial
video-composition”, is a key-work in his oeuvre. It combines his
installation work with his musical, single channel approach. It was
shown in Amsterdam at The Netherlands Media art Institute, and
Marseille France, at Gallery Lafriche o.a. At the moment he is
further exploring the concept of still live in video/computer
installation and made several works with this theme. (see also the
works "Nature
Morte #3", "Still
Live With Flowers" and Le
Dressoir). These still lives have there roots in
movie scenes and a photo archive that he build over the past 15
years. The photos,
made during his travels, show a search for the exceptional in the
ordinary; table-lamps, furniture and household wares are favorite
Mr d did several live projects: 'Soundmovie', a
composition for 6 musicians and video, with composer
Jaap Derksen. For this, the Netherlands Institute for Media
art (NIM) build the 'Toonbeeldklavier' (Image keyboard) for him. With
this instrument eddie d's video and sounds could be played live which
made it an extra musician on stage thus integrating the visual with
the music. This concert was performed in the Stedelijk Museum in
Amsterdam and went on tour throughout Europe. This work was
re-made into "H2Oor" for "Orkest de
Volharding" and performed in the new "Muziekgebouw
aan het IJ " in Amsterdam in March 2005. An
updated, open source version of the image keyboards was developedby
the NIM. In 2000 he made two compositions for video and scratcher
that were performed once, in Utrecht, Holland. For this he worked
together with DJTommy. With Dutch composer Bas Jan
Bollen he made "Point-c", a composition for video
and 5-peace ensemble. It had it's premiere at the Holland Animation
Festival 2004 and went on tour as part of the live music/animation
program "Kijkshock". A tape version will be in the
distribution channels in 2007 and this complete program will be
available on dvd sometime the same year. A new live music/video
project with composer Jaap Derksen, called "Nice
and Fresh and Greasy" went on tour in March
eddie d has received several grants from the Foundation
for the Arts in Holland (Fonds BKVB) and his shows were financially
supported by Dutch embassy's in several countries . His work has been
shown worldwide at video and film festivals. He was awarded at the
'VideoShorts' festival in Seattle, USA , at the 'VideoFest' in
Berlin, Germany and at the 'Wiener Internationaler Compositions
Wettbewerb ' in Austria , a contest for modern composed music. His
work was sold for broadcasting to t.v. stations worldwide and his
tapes are part of several collections. Video installations were,
amongst others, acquired by the city of Enschede and the Stedelijk
Museum Schiedam, both in Holland. He did several solo exhibitions
and there were some retrospectives of his single channel work. d
also occasionally presents "the eddie d lecture", where he
talks about his influences and shows favorite film and tv fragments,
cartoons and music clips that relate to his own work. He gave
lectures at Dutch art schools and in Bulgaria, Romania, Russia and
other places (he seems to have forgotten where).