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Antonin de Bemels
Se Fondre
Belgium 2006

Trzy postaci, trzy ciała, trzy trajektorie: Pieton chodzi po mieście, Pensee głęboko się zamyśla, Pantin powoli wychodzi z bezruchu. Krótki film o tym, jak radzić sobie z rzeczywistością, która nas otacza. Niektórzy przez nią przebrną, inni przenikną do niej , inni z kolei znikną bez śladu. Istotą jest ruch.

Three characters, three bodies, three trajectories: Pieton walks through the city, Pensee loses herself in her thoughts, Pantin slowly gets out of his immobility. A short film about how to deal with the reality that surrounds us. Some will work their way trough it, some will merge into it, some will melt into thin air. Movement is the key.

Antonin De Bemels

Antonin De Bemels is a video and audio artist, born In 1975 in Brussels. He discovered video art and experimental cinema at Erg ( Ecole de Recherche Graphique), from 1993 to 1997. At about the same period, he started getting interested in electronic music, and initiated his personal approach of videography, based on the representation of body movements and the dynamic relationship between sounds and images. Since 1997, he has made a dozen of short videos that were screened all around the world. He also creates video backgrounds of dance and theatre pieces, and sometimes performs live visuals during electronic music shows.

Selective videofilmography:

Non-commercial music videos:

  • The blue room” (1998)

  • Idiot’s brew” (2002)

    • Special mention, Courtisane Short Film and Video Festival, Ghent, Belgium, May 2003

  • A silly dance” (2003)

  • Landslips” (2004)

Videochoreographic films:

  • Scrub solos series” ( 1999-2001)

Scrub solo 1 : Soloneliness” (1999)

    • Springdance Cinema Award 2000, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Scrub solo 2 : Dislocation” (2000)

Scrub solo 3 : Soliloquy” (2001)

    • Dance Video Creation Prize at 11th Grand Prix International Video Danse, Paris, April 2002

    • Special Mention “Il Coreografo Elettronico”, Napoli, July 2003

  • Peau Pierre” (2002)

  • Il s’agit” (2003)

  • Au quart de tour” (2004)

    • First Prize Dancing the Screen, Stuttgart, October 2005

  • Light body corpuscles” (2005)

    • First Prize Point de Repere 2005, electroacoustic music and audiovisual competition, Buenos Aires, June 2005

Experimental fiction :

  • Se fondre” (2006)

* Winner of the VideoDansa Barcelona Prize 2007