![]() Philip Day Delusion UK 2006 06:42 screening pl Surrealistyczna podróż mechanicznego człowieka jako symbolu ludzkości, uwięzionego wewnątrz stalowego labiryntu. Czy można obrać tylko jedną drogę, czy też możemy zboczyć ze ścieżek, które są nam przeznaczone? en A surreal journey of a mechanical man who exists as an interpretation of humanity, trapped within a labyrinth of steel. Is there only one road to take, or can we break from our predestined paths? | Philip Day
Employment Endorfin
productions One Box
Productions My main roles at One Box were editing, DVD Authoring and graphic work using DVD Studio Pro 2, Adobe Encore, After Effects, Sony Vegas and Media 100. I have also been required to create 3D graphics using 3D Studio Max for TV commercials such as Pontins, Pleasureland Southport and Southport tourism. Examples of the projects I have worked on can be provided on request.
High School Arts College Filming and editing shows put on by the school/college, working with the students to teach and advise them in the use of video cameras and editing software such as premiere. Working with teenagers has helped me with my communication and teaching skills in the area of digital media. I also gained experience in using the Sony DCRTRV900E DV Camera. Education Wolverhampton
University Work as both a technical assistant and digital media stores operative at the University of Wolverhampton . This involved helping students to use Premiere and 3D Studio Max and helping them to get started on their editing suites. Working in the digital media stores involved booking out professional equipment and advising students on the equipment suitable for their projects. Wolverhampton
University 2000 to 2001 My Masters concentrated on computer animation using 3D Studio Max 4, PhotoShop 6.0 and Premiere 5.1/6.0. The degree concluded with a 6.20-Minute computer animation created using this software. I developed the sound track for the piece after extensive research into audio manipulation and editing. Research and experimentation has greatly advanced my knowledge of the software and has helped develop my creative use of sound and atmosphere as well as light and movement within my animations. I have also worked on developing my skills in story-telling and in the creation of suspense within a short story. I have created several animations, many of which have been shown at prestigious and independent film festivals and animation showings including the Edinburgh Film Festival and the Birmingham Ikon gallery. My latest film “Delusion,” completed for the Masters, was short-listed for the British Animation Awards and has been shown in and around London with FrameBarframe. Wolverhampton
University 1997 to 2000 I concentrated on 3D-computer animation using 3D Studio Max, PhotoShop 5.0, and Premiere 5.0 and have an in depth knowledge of these programs. This course helped me develop my skills in filming and editing on both an offline edit suite and computer based editing in Premiere. The BA also helped me to understand the basic conventions in animation such as story structure and composition, and aided the development of my skills into non-narrative animation and fine art film and video. Filton
College 1994 to 1996 I completed a BTEC National Diploma in Computers Studies. This course gave me experience in PC architecture including upgrading and building systems. I also advanced my knowledge on programs such as Excel, Word and worked extensively with operating systems such as MSDOS and Microsoft Windows 95/98.
6 GCSEs at level C and above, including English and Mathematics. Other training Wulfrun
College 01/11/00 to 12/12/00 I completed a ten-week training course in radio show presenting and production at Wulfun Campus Radio. This course entailed writing and presenting an hour radio show that went out live at the end of the course. This led to presenting and producing an arts based radio program that ran for ten weeks with a colleague. My time training, standing in and presenting at WCR spanned from November 2000 to June 2001.