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Prace Sensity tworzone są z danych pobieranych z miejskiej i środowiskowej infrastruktury. Sieć czujników zbiera dane, które są następnie prezentowane on-line. Czujniki te interpretują dane interaktywnego miasta, które ukazują on-line emocjonalny stan miasta Informacje te zostaną wykorzystane do stworzenia instalacji i rzeźb. Sensity są reprezentacją zjawisk jak przemieszczanie się ludzi, zanieczyszczenie powietrza, wibracje i dźwięki, w efekcie stają się doraźnymi społecznymi rzeźbami, które wizualizują emocjonalne stany miasta. Sieć czujników może zostać także przeniesiona ze scenerii miejskiej, w zależności od rodzaju środowiska powstają bowiem różnego rodzaju wizualizacje. Czujniki umieszczone w różnych punktach miasta pozwalają na re-interakcję z jego materią i tworzenie nowych artystycznych metafory w miejskiej przestrzeni. Dane zebrane w ten sposób mogą być wykorzystane do tworzenia wizualizacji w opensource'owym środowisku. Użytkownicy on-line także mogą reinterpretować dane i sprawdzać poszczególne sensory sieci. Węzły sieci sensorów wyczuwają mikro-wydarzenia, takie jak zmiany pogody, hałas ruchu ulicznego,czy przemieszczanie się ludzi. Interakcje między danymi są kontrolowane za pomocą interfejsu, nadającemu doświadczeniu nową formę kontekst.

Sensity artworks are made from the data that is collected across the urban and environment infrastructure. A network of sensors collects data which is then published on-line. The sensors then interpret the micro-data of the interactive city. The output from the sensors displays the emotional state of the city on-line and the information will be used to create installations and sculptural artifacts. Sensity represent the movement of people, pollution in the air, the vibrations and sounds, they are in effect emergent social sculptures visualizing the emotional state of the city. The sensor network can be moved from urban to rural setting and different types of visualization can be made depending on the environment. The sensors positioned across the city enable a re-engagement with the urban fabric and new artistic metaphors within city space. The data collected in this way can be used to create visualizations in an open source environment. On-line users can also re- interpret the data and interrogate the various sensors in the network. Motes and sensor boards sense the micro incidents like changes of weather, the flows of traffic noise, the flows of people. The interactions of all this data is controlled and mixed up via interfaces that can re-form and re-contextualize experiences in real time.


Stanza is a London based British artist who specializes in net art, networked spaces, installations and performances. His award winning online projects have been invited for exhibition in digital festivals around the world, and Stanza also travels extensively to present his net art, lecturing and giving performances of his audiovisual interactions. His works explore artistic and technical opportunities to enable new aesthetic perspectives, experiences and perceptions within context of architecture, data spaces and online environments.

Artistic Statement about current research and practice.

I am researching data within cities and how this can be represented, visualized and interpreted. Data from security tracking, traffic, and environmental monitoring can all be interpreted as a medium to make artworks. I seek to investigate new ways of comparing, conceptualizing and then visualizing complex concepts related to the relationship of emergent data and real space in the built environment. Through practice based research, a series of modular experimental artworks will be created to express the possibilities for our data-mediated future.

There are three strands of my working process; these involve collecting the data, visualizing the data, and then displaying the data. The outputs from the online interfaces and online visualizations can be realized as real time dynamic artworks as diverse as installations, and real objects, made out of new display materials back in physical space.

In all my work I try to exploit the changing dynamics of city life as a source for creativity and create meaningful artistic metaphors. I utilize new technologies and integrate new media artworks into the public domain as part of this ongoing research into the visualization of city space. In essence I am researching data as a medium for creativity and how meaningful experiences of our cities may result.

Stanza Awards.

AHRC Creative fellowship 2006 - 2009
NESTA Dreamtime Award. 2004
Clark Digital Bursary. 2003
Future Physical Grant for Genomixer. 2002
D.T.I. Innovation Award. 1997


Videoformes Multimedia First prize France 2005,
Art In Motion V.First prize USA 2004,
Vidalife 6.0 first prize 2003,
Fififestival Grand Prize France 2003,
New Forms Net Art Prize Canada 2003,
Fluxus Online first prize Brasil 2002,
SeNef Online Grand Prix Korea 2002,
Links first prize Porto 2001,
Videobrasil Sao Paulo 2001 first prize,
Cynet art 2000 first prize, Dresden.