![]() Kai Kaljo Aeg Estonia 2005 01:40 screening pl Przypadek sprawił, że moje okno wychodziło na ów stary budynek z namalowanym zegarem, kiedy podczas stypendium artystycznego w Niemczech mieszkałam w Zamku Wiepersdorf. Ptaki zbudowały w nim swoje gniazda i każdego ranka widziałam jak młode ptaki, ucząc się latać, poprzez wektor lotu wskazywały kolejne godziny na zegarze. Rejestracja całości cyklu zajęło mi prawie trzy tygodnie. Siedząc tam, niezdolna zasugerować ptakom by w końcu wzleciały na przykład na szóstą, zdałam sobie sprawę jak relatywny jest czas. en It was of course a coincidence that this old building, with a painted clock, was right behind my window when I stayed at the Schloss Wiepersdorf, an artist's residency in Germany. The birds had built their nests inside it, and every morning, I could see the young bird rehersing. It took me at least two-three weeks to capture the whole circle. Sitting there, unable to tell the birds "well would you fly on number six now, finally?", I realized how relative the time really is. | Kai Kaljo born August 20th 1959
1983-1990 Talinn Art University, painting
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2006 Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London 2005 Tallinn Art Hall 2003 a Loser, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany 2003 Greetings from La Jolla, Knollgalerie, Wien, Austria 2003 Halfway to Venice. HDLU Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia 2001 Videos by Kai Kaljo. SCCA Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia 2001 What do You Read, my Lord?(with Ly Lestberg), Nuova Icona Gallery, Venice
Selected Group shows and festivals
2006 Collected Crises. Estonian Art in the 1990's. KUMU art Museum, Tallinn 2006 Sexy Mythos. NGBK, Berlin 2006 Mit Allem Rechnen. Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund 2005 Art Basel Miami. Video Lounge 2003,2004,2005 Paris-Berlin International Meetings. Paris. Berlin 2005 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2004 Instant Europe. Villa Manin, Italy 2004 Flipside. Artists' Soace, New York NY 2004 Sometime. Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London 2004 EU Positive. Academy of Arts, Berlin 2004 Welcome. Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London 2004 On Air. Galerie fur Zeitgenossische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany 2004 New Video, New Europe. The Renaissance Society, Chicago, The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, USA; TATE Modern, London; 2005 Stedlijk Museum, Amsterdam 2003 Biennale of Moving Images, Geneva, Switzerland 2003,2001,2000,1999,1998 World Wide video Festival, Amsterdam 2003 21 Minutes. Art Moscow, 7th International Art Fair. Central House of Artists, Moscow 2003 Images Festival, Toronto, Canada 2002 Breath. Ludwigsmuseum Budapest, Hungary 2002,2001 Different/Diverse. Teatro della Fondamente Nuovi, Venice Grunt Vestern Front Galeries, Vancouver, Canada 2001-2002 Baltic Times. Zegreb, Croatia; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Innsbruck, Austria 2001 Videonale 9, Bonn, Germany 2001 Estonia Energies, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna 2000 Chinese Whispers. ApexArt CP. New York NY 2000 Pusan International Contemporary Art Festival, Pusan, Corea 2000 Williamsburg Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, NY 2000 Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany 2000 Man Muss Ganz Schon Viel lernen um hier zu Funktionieren. Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany 1999-2000 After the Wall. Modern Museet, Stockholm; Ludwigmuseum Budapest; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin 1999 VideoLisboa. Lisbon, Portugal 1999,2001 WRO 99 Media Biennale Wrocałw, Poland 1998 Biennale Balticum, Rauma, Finland
Awards and scholarschips
2006 Kristjan Raud annual art award 2004 „Live and shine” Grant, Estonian Cultural Endowment 2004 Schloss Wiepersdof, Germany 2002 ArtsLink Independent Projects Grant. University California San Diego Centre for Computing and the Arts, USA 2000 Prize from Estonian Cultural Endowment 2000 Delfina Studios, London 1999 NIFCA, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland 1998 ArtsLink Fellowships Grant, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Centre, Buffalo, NY, USA 1997 VideoMedeja-prize
Works in collections
Moderna Museet, Stockholm Tartu Art Museum, Estonia Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany Private collections, London, Barcelona