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Jennifer Beth Guerin
USA 2006

Project to nienarracyjne wideo, które bada ruch cieczy podnoszącej się i oddzielającej od swojego źródła. Ta klejąca się substancja odnosi się ciała, jego płynów, jednakże jej umiejscowienie jest niewiadome, być może sugerując proces mechanizacji pewnego nieznanego obiektu. Project ma za zadanie ukrycie sensu powtarzającego się ruchu, dopuszczając wielość interpretacji.

Project is a non-narrative video that explores the movement of fluid as it rises up and out of its source. This sticky substance references the body, body fluid; however, its location in unfamiliar, perhaps suggesting mechanization process for some unknown object. Project is meant to obscure as it performs a repetitive movement allowing a variety of interpretations.

Jennifer Beth Guerin

Jennifer Beth Guerin received a Master of Fine Arts in New Genre at University of Arizona ( May 2004 ). Her emphasis video production, installation, and performance. She received her BFA in Studio Art ( Dec. 2000 ) from the University of Texas at Austin. Her teaching experience includes private, publiuc and alternative educational settings, serving students of all ages. She has participated in exhibitions throughout the United States. Internationally, her work has been shown in Albania, Argentina, Canada, China, England, Germany, India, and Slovenia. Resides inAustin, Texas where she is a working artist and is conducting sculptural research by fabricating custom mattresses with her father.

Music Composition and Sound Editor

Lara Alaniz, a Mexican-American native of South Texas, received her BFA from the University of Arizona (2000). her work has been exhibited recently at PlaySpace in SanFrancisco, Leonard Nimoy Thalia theater in New York, Prenelle Gallery in London, and Arroyo Arts Collective in Los Angeles. She received a grant from the Tuscon/Pima Arts Council for her work in the Arizona Biennial '05 at the Tuscon Museum of Art, curated by Siri Engberg from the Walker Art Center. In December of 2005 she was invited to be in the group show She Objects, curated by Simon Donovan at the Conrad Wilde Gallery in Tuscon. Lora has also been in numerous video screenings and film festivals internationally, is a founding member of the all women Plugged Video Art Collective, and is currently a working artist in Austin, Texas.