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Jody Zellen
All the News That's Fit to Print

All the News That's Fit To Print to interaktywna strona internetowa, która jako punkt startowy wykorzystuje codzienne wydanie New York Times'a. Strona bada relacje pomiędzy zdjęciami ilustrującymi nagłówki, a tekstami w wydaniu drukowanym i elektronicznym gazety. Nagłówki i zdjęcia z okresu między lipcem 2005 i lipcem 2006 zostały zebrane i są prezentowane w ciągle zmieniającej się losowej sekwencji zdjęć i tekstów. Nowe przyporządkowania okazują się być mylne, smutne, śmieszne, niewyjaśnialne, a często bardzo trafne. Tytuły i zdjęcia są prezentowane razem ze skanem pierwszej strony gazety, aby utrzymać odniesienie do oryginalnego kontekstu druku i jego nieuchronnej cyfrowej transformacji.

All the News That's Fit To Print is an interactive website that uses daily New York Times as its point of departure. It explores the relationship between headline images and texts in both the print and online versions of the newspaper. Headlines and images from July 2005 - July 2006 have been collected and are presented a constantly changing random sequence of image and text. The new juxtapositions become wrong, sad, funny, inexplicable, and often to the point. The headlines and images are presented with a scan of the front page of the paper in order to reference the original print context and its inevitable digital fragmentation.

Jody Zellen

Jody Zellen is an artist living in Los Angeles, California. She works in many media simultaneously making photographs, installations, net art, public art, as well as artists' books that explore the subject of the urban environment. She employs media-generated representations of contemporary and historic cities as raw material for aesthetic and social investigations. Solo exhibitions include Pace University's Digital Gallery (2005); The Laguna Art Museum (2004-05); Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (2002); Deep River, Los Angeles (2001). Her net art projects have shown world wide since 1997 in festivals and exhibitions such as Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany; 9th Japan Media Art Festival, Tokyo (2006); Arte Nuevo Interactive, Mexico; ACCEA, Armenia; Prog:Me, Rio de Janeiro (2005); File, Brazil; Festival du Noveau Cinema, Montreal; Siggraph, Los Angeles; International Festival of Electronic Art, Argentina; Cosign, Croatia (2004); New Forms Festival, Vancouver; Recontres Internationales, Berlin (2003); Whitney Museum Artport (2002); XXV Bienal de Sao Paulo (2002); Art Future, Taiwan (2000); Net_Condition, ZKM (1999); Film + Arch.3, Graz (1997). Her website "Ghost City" ( begun in 1997 is an ever changing meditation on the urban environment. "Crowds and Power" was the October 2002 portal for the Whitney