![]() David Finkelstein Display Devices USA 2005 25:00 screening pl Oparty na improwizowanym performance, Display Devices zestawia starannie zaanimowane cyfrowe obrazy z płynącymi, obracającymi się siatkami kolorów, tworząc pikselowy wszechświat, w którym małe, jednokolorowe kwadraty łączą się z obrazami odtwarzającymi zakodowany przekaz o płci, filozofii i fantazmatach. Samce pawi demonstrują swoje pióra, wojownicy przywdziewają bojowe pióropusze, Carmen Miranda zakłada owocowy kapelusz, a wafle kakaowe rozpływają się do postaci płynnego kakao; bogata ścieżka dźwiękowa i nieustannie zmieniające się punkty widzenia przenoszą widza w oszałamiający lot poprzez perceptualną przestrzeń. en Based on a completely improvised performance, Display Devices juxtaposes meticulously animated digital images with floating, spinning grids of color, to create a pixelated universe, in which tiny rectangles of pure color are combined into images which display coded messages of gender, philosophy, and urgently personal visions. Male peacocks display their feathers, warriors don their war bonnets, Carmen Miranda decks herself out in a fruity hat, and cocoa wafers dissolve themselves into cups of cocoa, while a lush musical score and constantly shifting visual perspectives lift the viewer into a dizzying flight through perceptual space. | David Finkelstein David Finkelstein has
been making performances since 1982. He has been developing a style
of improvised performance work since 1993, which he has performed at
Here, Theater for the New City, the Brooklyn Arts Exchange, Movement
Research at the Judson Church, PS 122, The Knitting Factory, New York
Improvisation Festival, and many other venues. He has taught
Improvisation Technique for 3 years at Movement Research, where he
was Artist in Residence in 1997. His work has been funded by The Fund
for Creative Communities, The Field, Movement Research, meet the
Composer, The Brooklyn Arts Exchange, BACA, and many individual
donors. His video work has been featured in the PBS series "Under
the Pink Carpet," the OMA Awards, the PrideVision cable network,
and numerous film festivals and screening events. |