![]() Wobbe F. Koning Multi Dimensional Eye Virus 2.2 The Netherlands 2006 01:52 screening pl Rosnące, pulsujące kręgi rozwijają się w kolejne wymiary. Rozbudowanie wersji 1.0 - koliste formy wyrosłe z kalejdoskopowych kształtów są przenoszone w kolejny wymiar, wypełniając ekran swą pulsującą formą. Podczas gdy powstające nowe wymiary powracają do swych punktów wyjściowych, wyrastają następne formy, które zajmują ich miejsce. Bez żadnych zobowiązań. en Growing pulsating rings unfold into the next dimensions. An elaboration on version 1.0, the circular forms grown out of kaleidoscopic shapes are taken into the next dimension, filling the screen with their pulsating bodies. As the unfolded dimensions collapse back into their origin, new entities grow to take their place. No strings attached. | Wobbe F. Koning
Wobbe F. Koning (Waddinxveen, The Netherlands, 1966) graduated from The Netherlands Film and Television Academy (NFTA) with a BFA in Video Editing and Sound in 1990, and in 2000 he received a MFA in Art and Technology from The Ohio State University. His main area of interest is the combination of digital video, animation and image manipulation. The Multi Dimensional Eye Virus animations, created entirely within After Effects using javascript, were shown at Prix Ars Electronica '06 (Linz, Austria), PixelPops!Praha_06_ (Prague, Czech Republic) and the Eurograhics Conferences in 2005 and 2006. After receiving his BFA, he initially worked as a video editor for the Dutch National Television. At the same time he started working as an independent filmmaker and videographer. Works he created included on-stage videos for the internationally acclaimed choreographer Itzik Galili, and multi-screen installations. At the animation studio Pixelberg, which he co-founded in 2001, they created websites, DVDs, animations and visual effects. Clients included the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, VPRO Television, Nike and the award winning animator Gerrit van Dijk. Wobbe lives in West Orange, New Jersey, U.S.A., where he is working on a short character animation with the tentative title "Seeing Red". He currently also serve on the New York City ACM SIGGRAPH board of directors, and he is the webmaster for the ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. |