![]() Michael Wirth Variant Iteration Vi USA 2006'2007 url/installation pl Variant Iteration (Vi) jest cyfrową instalacją audiowizualną, która łączy duży monitor video lub projektor oraz czujnik dźwięku i głośniki audio. Co kilka sekund Vi generuje losowo nową kompozycję. Najpierw aktywuje swoją głowicę, następnie dowolnie rozrzuca nieskomplikowane, geometryczne kształty na ekranie. Każdemu z nich przypisywana jest nuta. Pozycja kształtu określa sposób w jaki zagra on przypisany mu dźwięk. Czujnik dźwięku wbudowany w Vi mierzy dźwięki wytwarzane przez sam projekt, jak również dźwięki stworzone przez widzów w przestrzeni galerii. Ostatecznie dane wejściowe i wyjściowe zebrane przez mikrofon, stworzą niezdeterminowany uprzednio kierunek rozwoju programu. Pozornie niekończąca się ilość kompozycji ma na celu zaangażować widzów w odkrywanie różnych zależności pomiędzy wzorami wytwarzanymi przez nieskomplikowane obrazy i dźwięki. Niektóre wzory mogą zostać rozpoznane, inne będą nowe - jedne będą wydawać się melodią, podczas gdy inne to kakofonia. Podejmowanie wyborów pozostawia się słuchaczom i widzom. en Variant Iteration (Vi) is a digital audio and visual installation, which combines a large video monitor or projection, a sound sensor and audio speakers. Vi generates a new, random composition every few seconds. First, Vi will activate it's playhead, then it will randomly scatter primitive geometric shapes across the screen. Each shape is then assigned a note. The position of each shape determines how it will play the assigned sound. The sound sensor embedded within Vi measures the projects own audio output as well as viewer-created sounds in the gallery space. Finally, the output and input gathered by the microphone will cause the way the program to evolve in a non-predetermined way. The seemingly endless amount of compositions is meant to engage viewers to discover the various relationships between patterns produced by primitive visuals and sounds. Some patterns may be recognizable, some are new - other patterns might seem melodic, while others are a cacophony. It is left to listeners and viewers to make those choices. | Mike Wirth
Mike Wirth is an exhibiting artist, award winning filmmaker, and educator whose medium is technology. His professional and academic experience with various media brings a multi-faceted perspective into the classroom. He has been teaching new media in higher education for the past 5 years. Starting at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, Sage College of Albany, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and now at Art Institute of Charlotte. He has his MFA from Parsons School of Design in Design and Technology and a BFA in Digital Art and Design from Long Island University. As an artist, Mike has a growing list of fine arts, films and interactive installations. A few notable exhibition spaces Rockefeller Center in New York City, Split New Media and Film Fest in Split, Croatia, and The Institute of History and Art in Albany, New York. Mike has won 2 awards for his historical documentary work about the language of gesture, including “Best Short” and “Official Selection” at the Ed Wood film festival (2004 Albany, NY) and DigIt New Media Fest (2005 Narrowsburg, NY). Professionally, Mike has operated his own freelance design business and worked with a diverse variety of clients on unique projects. He has lead and worked on projects as Associate Producer, Art Director and Lead Programmer. Some notable clients include, Siemens Building Technologies, ESPN-Outdoors, Anheuser Bush, and Columbia University Teachers College. |