![]() Isabel Arévalo & Cristóbal Aparicio Frontera Spain 2005 05:19 screening pl Kompozycja Frontera stanowi rezultat badania ograniczeń elektronicznego dźwięku. Jest to dogłębne spojrzenie na dźwiękowe ekstremum. Ograniczenia te tworzą podział na dwie części ze względu na ich przeznaczenie - dźwięki zaprojektowane by przenosić nas do innych wymiarów oraz takie, które same zapraszają do pytania o ich granice. Efekty wizualne powstały w oparciu o dźwięk, a prezentowane obrazy są z nim kojarzone. en The Frontera composition is the result of investigation into the limits of electronic sound. This is a particular vision about the sound extremes. The limits are developed by two thematic parts. There are sounds designed to transport us to another dimension and there are sounds that invite us to ask where the limit is. The visual work was created on the base of the sound and expose the images suggested by the sound. | Isabel Arevalo
She studied piano, chamber music and misic pedagogy and graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. She pursed studies in composition with professors Anton G Abril and Gabriel Brncic and, interested in jazz, she took courses of analysis and jazz composition in several schools as well as at alxala University. She also studied electroacoustic composition at the Conservatory of Cuenca and her works sterted being performed in 1995. Sincew then, mention must be made of her music in concerts at the National Auditory ( Madrid, 1995), Electroacoustic Festival Meeting Point ( Madrid and Bilbao, 1997-1998), Cruce Hall ( Madrid, 2003 ), reina Sofia Art Centre of Madrid (2005), Mirador Project (Madrid, 2005) and digital salon of New York ( New York, USA 2006 ).
Cristobal Aparicio
During my studies of Bachelor in Fine Arts salamanca University (1998-2003), make the short video (3D Animation)”Metafisica de la fisica”, one of the choice to represent the Salamanca University in the „4th national video Symposium: Video meetings” (Salamanca 2002). This video has already choice to be project in the 16th Film Week in Medina del Campo (2003). Later, did „Frontera” proyected in the Digital Saloon in New York (New York, USA 2006), in „Mirador” Proyect (Madrid, 2005) and in the 19th Film Week in Medina del Campo. In the Digital Saloon of New YorkWas projected too „Boceto” an new 3D animation. |