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Henry Gwiazda
I'm Sitting, Watching...
USA 2005

I'm Sitting, Watching... jest pracą DVD, w której widz obserwuje działania ludzi i zdarzenia w weneckiej kawiarni w ciągu dnia. Sztuka powstaje tutaj z połączenia światła i ruchu, różnych obiektów oraz muzyki, która pojawia się w tle. Dotyczy ona sposobu, w jaki wszystko się porusza i łączy ze sobą, aby powstało piękno. Ruch światła, kobieta podnosi filiżankę, słychać kościelne dzwony... a ona idzie... jest to częściowo film, częściowo muzyka, częściowo sztuka, częściowo taniec. Nie interesuje mnie stopień „realizmu”, jaki mogę osiągnąć w animacji, ale raczej wyjaśnienie ruchu całej rzeczywistości. Każda scena jest jak muzyczna fraza - ruch w świetle wiąże się z ruchem postaci. Odnosi się nie do samego siebie ale do świata realnego. Chciałbym sprawić, by ludzie zaczęli patrzeć i słuchać w inny, multimedialny sposób.

I'm Sitting, Watching... is a work on DVD in which a viewer observes the activities human and natural occur in a Venetian café during the course of a day. The art is created by the combination of movement-light, objects (human and others), clouds, music which occurs in landscape. It's about the way everything moves and is interconnected to create beauty. The light moves, a woman picks up a coffee cup, a church bell sounds she's walking is part movie, part music, part art, part dance. My interest is not seeing how "realistic" I can get animation, but rather to illuminate the movement of all reality. Each scene is like a musical phrase-one movement in the light connects to the figure moving. Its reference is not to itself but to the real world. Ideally, I'm trying to get people to see and hear in a a different-multimedia way.

Henry Gwiazda

Henry Gwiazda was born in 1952 in New Britain, Connecticut. He received degrees from the Eastman School of Music, The Hartt School and the College – Conservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati. He has received performances by the St.Paul Chamber Orchestra, the New Britain Symphony, the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony, and the American Dance Festival.

Since 1986, he has worked with sampling and sound effects to create a unique musical language that is derived from the interior musical characteristics of noise itself. His recent work is concerned with creating immersive musical works and computer multimedia. Performing live with sampler, guitar and tape, he has given concerts, workshops and lectures throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. He has performed at New Music America (New York), Bang On A Can Festival,The Kitchen, Performance Space 122, The Knitting Factory, Roulette, iEar Studios (Troy), New Langton Arts (San Francosco), The Music Gallery (Toronto), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), Stedelijte Museum (Amsterdam), Het Apollohuis (Eindhoven), De Unie (Rotterdam), Democrazy (Ghent), Cirque Diver (Liege), Monty (Antwerp), New Music Across America (Utah) and many more including colleges and universities. His recent new media work has been shown by Lumen Eclipse, Fonlad Digital Arts and the Logos Foundation.

In 1992 he turned his attention to virtual audio and created two works: buzzingreynold’sdreamland and thefluteintheworldthefluteistheworld which are installations for one listener alone, utilizing immersive technologies.

In 1995 he extended his interest of sampling natural sound to include a samling of all phenomenon that has movement- a comprehensive artistic approach that has resulted in work that is multimedia in nature. These new works: she’s walking…., I’m sitting, watching…, and living is… make use of new media to create a virtual realism that is focused on movement.

He has received prizes and grants from the SUC Student Composers Competition (First Prize), The Jerome Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Barlow Foundation, The Bush Foundation, a Diverse Visions Grant (along with designer Jeff Barlett), 20 ASCAP Standard Award Panel Grants, as well as many Meet the Composer grants. He has also been guest composer at numerous festivals and universities. He was featured in EAR Magazine and had a special program on his music on John Schaeffer’s “New Sounds” on WNYC in New York. Hid articles concerning his work have been published in Guitar Player magazine and The Contemporary Music Review (UK). His work is featured in American Music by Kyle Gann and A History of American Music by H. Wiley Hitchcock and Kyle Gann. He has received much critical acclaim including the Village Voice and The New York Times.

That’s why I find the work so powerful – because no art goes into our soul and grips it until all it’s techniques, it’s philosophical strategies, it’s finally detailed structures, have been boiled down and distilled and made simple. And Gwiazda has gotten to the essence…” Kyle Gann, liner notes, “…she’s walking…”

magical… I was drawn ineluctably, ever more fascinated by the amount of unexpectedly beautiful detail and the relationships between them…”she’s walking…” is a profound, acute observation on “those empty spots, those times in between”. Highly recommended Brian Olewnick, review Squid’s Ear “she’s walking…”

“…his real genius, which is as a poet of natural sound…” Kyle Gann, liner notes, noTnoTesnoTrhyTms

Gwiazda is a musical poet in the truest sense… Gwiazda triggers with near-tactile sensation invisible environments of remarkable beauty… Gwiazda’s work is groundbreaking…” Daniel Buckley, Stereophile Magazine.

Gwiazda makes the most elegant collage work I know. The quality of sounds used are stunning, the choice of when and where to place sounds, both spatially and structurally are immaculate, and the works are both immediately engaging, and continually fascinating on repeated hearings” Warren Burt, Chroma.

“…the compositions on this disk are like nothing else this reviewer has ever heard”. David Cleary, New Music Connoisseur.

Henry Gwiazda represents the cutting edge of today’s experimental music…”. James Wierzbiecki, St.Louis Dispatch.

“…I am excited about this distributed mode of attention; it is an expansion of perception into the truly audiovisual, a medium I haven’t experience before…” Tildy Bayar, Open Space Journal.

He has recorded on CRI, CCG and Innova and is currently Professor of Music at Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN.