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Greece 2006

Tematem gry jest oddzielenie / uwięzienie. Student zasypia w bibliotece, a kiedy się budzi jest sam, wszyscy znikli. Wierzy, że został zamknięty w budynku przy ul. Kalamiotou 02 (Departament Komunikacji i Mass Mediów, Uniwersytet w Atenach). W rzeczywistości jest to złudzenie, drzwi przez cały czas były otwarte. Wprowadzenie: użytkownik zostaje wprowadzony w podstawowe fakty dzięki nagraniu z kamery przemysłowej, które jest częścią gry arkadowej. Animacja ilustruje jak oko studenta zmienia się w kursor. W końcu gracz odnajduje się na parterze budynku i staje naprzeciw przerażającej wersji budynku Uniwersytetu i rzeczywistości. Celem gry jest zebranie listów odnalezionych wewnątrz budynku, które tworzą hasło, prowadzące do wolności przez odblokowanie komputera. Nawigacja wewnątrz budynku przybiera formę poszukiwania skarbów. Musisz znaleźć wyjście.

The theme of the game is enclosure / imprisonment. A student falls asleep in the library and when he wakes up he's alone, everyone's gone. He believes he is locked inside the building of 02, Kalamiotou St. (Dpt of Communication & Mass Media, University of Athens). In fact that is a delusion, the door was always unlocked. Intro: The user is introduced to these basic facts by video (security cam), which is a part of an arcade game. An animation illustrates how the student's eye becomes the cursor. Finally the user finds him/herself on the ground floor and faces a scary version of the University building and reality. The object of the game is to collect letters found within the building that form a password which leads to freedom by unlocking a computer. The navigation within the building takes the form of a treasure hunt. You need to find the exit.


Mamai team was put together for this project "Kalamiotou_02", which is our first and only project. Four members (Alekos Douros, Katerina Clark, Artemis Blatsi and Electra Galani) created the first version of Kalamiotou_02 using Dreamweaver, which was completed in September 2005.
Alekos Douros and Katerina Clark are studying Communication and Mass Media at the University of Athens.
Electra Galani graduated from the Technological Institute of Athens in Photography and Visual Arts, and was an intern in the New Technologies Laboratory, in the University of Athens' Department of Communication and Mass Media. This is where the project Kalamiotou_02 was first conceived and where the first version was completed. We felt the first version of the project was too linear and not interactive and playful enough, as originally planned. We decided it should take the form of a game.
Vasilis Dokakis collaborated on the first version and became part of the team for the final project. He is studying Theoretical Physics in the University of Athens and is composing music for film and documentaries.
Evgenia Demopoulou is an architect (National Technical University of Athens) and has created many animation projects.
Photos are taken by Yanis Drakoulidis, who holds a degree in Professional Photography from the Arts Institute of Bournemouth.