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David Muth
On a Long Thin Wire
UK 2007

Animacja On a Long Thin Wire poprzez wizualizację w konwencji abstrakcyjnego minimalizmu zgłębia wzory rytmiczne. Specjalnie napisane oprogramowanie wytworzyło sposób obrazowania. "Znak obrazowy nie znaczy więcej, niż to, co przedstawia" - powiedział w 1930 roku Theo van Doesburg w swoim oświadczeniu na temat form sztuki abstrakcyjnej.

The animation On a Long Thin Wire visually explores rhythmic patterns through abstract minimalism. Especially written software generated the imagery. "A pictorial element has no other significance than itself", stated Theo van Doesburg in 1930 in his call for a form of abstract art.

David Muth

David Muth is a London based musician, programmer and artist. Having grown up on Salzburg, Austria, he relocated to the UK to study at Middlesex University, where he receives an MA in Digital Arts. His work has been shown on numerous occasions internationally, with venues and events including the Kiasma Museum of Modern Art in Helsinki, the Musee d’Art Contemporain in Montreal and Ars Electronica in Linz. David also lectures at the Royal College of Art and Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication and is part of Kaffe Matthew’s interdisciplinary research initiative “Music for Bodies”.

His approach to making things combines the conceptual and the experimental and is informed by his background in music and architecture. His projects range from responsive installations and technology driven performance environments through video and experimental documentary to compositions and performance of music.