Wydarzenia WRO 07 / WRO 07 Events
Noc Archiwistów / Archivists' NightplNoc ArchiwistówNieformalna prezentacja historycznych materiałów w klubowej atmosferze, ukazująca różnorodność medialnych sposobów zapisu i reprezentacji unikatowych sytuacji artystycznych.
W programie:
- Vincent Bonin (Daniel Langlois Foundation Center for Research and Documentation)
Kolekcja 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering i kolekcja Steiny i Woody'ego Vasulków
Vincent Bonin : wyjątki z dokumentacji filmowej i zapisów audio performances prezentowanych w ramach 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering at the 69th Regiment Armory (New York, N.Y.), 13-23 października, 1966;
zdjęcia Alfons Schilling in 1966; opracowanie Daniel Langlois Foundation in 2006, c.45 min.
Yvonne Rainer, Carriage Discreteness; John Cage, Variations VII;
Lucinda Childs, Vehicle; Robert Whitman, Two Holes of Water - 3;
Öyvind Fahlström, Kisses Sweeter than Wine. 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering fonds.
Steina, Orbital Obsessions, 1977, 24 min., 30 sec. Steina and Woody Vasulka fonds
- Krzysztof Skarbek (artysta, ASP we Wrocławiu,) taśmy różne
- Arkadiusz Bagiński i Maciej Frett (Job Karma, Wroclaw Industrial Festival), video performances
enThe Archivists' NightA clubbing event and an informal presentation of historical footage,
displaying the diversity of recording and representation techniques applied
to unique artistic occurrences.
In program:
- Vincent Bonin (Daniel Langlois Foundation Center for Research and Documentation)
9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering fonds and Steina and Woody Vasulka fonds
Vincent Bonin :Excerpts of factual footage and sound recordings of performances presented within the framework of 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering at the 69th Regiment Armory (New York, N.Y.), October 13-23, 1966, shot by Alfons Schilling in 1966; edited by the Daniel Langlois Foundation in 2006, c.45 min.
Yvonne Rainer, Carriage Discreteness; John Cage, Variations VII ;
Lucinda Childs, Vehicle ; Robert Whitman, Two Holes of Water ? 3;
Öyvind Fahlström, Kisses Sweeter than Wine. 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering fonds.
Steina, Orbital Obsessions, 1977, 24 min., 30 sec. Steina and Woody Vasulka fonds
- Krzysztof Skarbek (artysta, School of Fine Arts in Wroclaw), different tapes
- Arkadiusz Bagiński and Maciej Frett (Job Karma, Wroclaw Industrial Festival), video performances